Hyaluronic acid is the filler most recommended by all doctors with experience in aesthetic medicine, since it is a completely harmless substance which is biocompatible with all tissues.
The clinical indications for hyaluronic acid are as follows: wrinkle filler, lip filling and shaping, dark circles filling, BioPlasty, deep facial hydration, and skin revitalization.
The amount of existing hyaluronic acid decreasesduring the aging process, and at the same time it is modified and its molecular weight decreases. This induces a deterioration of the tissues and of the tissue healing and repair processes. They do not retain water as efficiently as in youth, skin volume is reduced, and wrinkles appear.
From a more clinical point of view, the replacement of purified hyaluronic acid in high concentrations becomes an excellent treatment to recover the shine of our skin, eliminating wrinkles, and imparting a more elastic texture.